Archivi tag: climate change

It’s all government’s fault

Maybe it is something related with the climate change: maybe the Martian are already between us, and they are modifyng our planet. And I’d suspect also the communists, they can be involved, sure they do.
Some days ago I had the clear evidence that the law of gravity is it no longer valid. I found a vaulting horse in the gymn where I was supposed to play soccer (and show my brand new shirt of Barcellona team).
I used to be quite good on the horse when before they tempered with the gravity, let say, fifteen years ago: but, as an effects of what they’re making to our beloved earth, I was not even able to make a vault.
Nothing. Do you believe it?
We must do something. I want to be light and fast as I was in the 90s.
It’s all government’s fault. I hope.